
About 28 BLACK
is different.
Since 2008.

Back when “gummi bear” was THE flavour for energy drinks, and energy drinks were primarily a beverage for robust men with a yearning for wings, people at 28 BLACK became convinced that there had to be another way.

Which is why 2008 saw the creation of the first energy drink that didn't taste like gummi bears, contain taurine or limit its appeal to tough guys: 28 BLACK, in other words, the energy drink that is different – for different lifestyles, different expectations and new challenges every day. For people living life to the full and leaving routine behind. For people who always have something going on tomorrow.

28 BLACK is sold worldwide and is available in food retailers, beverage shops and convenience stores, as well as clubs, bars and restaurants.


As a company that sells and distributes energy drinks, we are well aware of our responsibility towards everyone who drinks our products. That is why we recommend the responsible consumption of 28 BLACK as part of a healthy diet and an active lifestyle.

Energy drinks and caffeine

Energy drinks are caffeinated non-alcoholic beverages whose composition is regulated by law in many countries. According to the latest scientific findings, energy drinks and their ingredients are considered to be safe. This is particularly the case for the possible absorption of caffeine.

According to a Scientific Opinion on the safety of caffeine published in the EFSA Journal on 27 May 2015 by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), habitual caffeine consumption up to 400 mg per day does not give rise to safety concerns for healthy non-pregnant adults. For pregnant or breastfeeding women, this figure is 200 mg. For children and adolescents, the safety of caffeine consumption depends on their bodyweight, whereby a daily consumption of 3 mg per kilogramme of body weight is considered to be safe.

The contribution made by energy drinks to the overall daily caffeine consumption of adults, children and adolescents is extremely small, and for children – particularly in Germany – it is negligible. Other sources of caffeine (coffee, tea, cola beverages and chocolate) account for by far the largest proportion of overall caffeine consumption.

One can of 28 BLACK (250 ml) contains 80 mg of caffeine, which is roughly the same amount of caffeine as contained in a cup of filter coffee.

Energy drinks and sport

Energy drinks are not sports drinks, and they do not have a rehydrating effect. In its Scientific Opinion on the safety of caffeine in foods*, the EFSA concluded that as much as 200 mg of caffeine from all sources – including energy drinks – is non-hazardous to health when this quantity is consumed less than two hours before intensive physical activity.

Energy drinks and alcohol

Energy drinks are caffeinated non-alcoholic beverages which, like many other non-alcoholic beverages, are occasionally mixed with alcoholic drinks.

In its Scientific Opinion on the safety of caffeine in foods*, the EFSA stated that there is no evidence of any negative interactions between energy drinks / caffeine and alcohol. Furthermore, the latest scientific research demonstrates that the mixing of energy drinks with alcohol does not result in greater consumption of alcohol than would otherwise be the case.

However, it is important to remember that the consumption of energy drinks in combination with alcohol does not influence the effects of alcohol!

Code of conduct for the marketing of 28 BLACK

As the manufacturer and distributor of 28 BLACK, we are well aware of public discussions concerning energy drinks. Due to the fact that we take our responsibilities very seriously, we have committed ourselves to compliance with the wafg’s Code of Conduct for Energy Drinks in Germany.

This Code of Conduct is based on the UNESDA Code for the Labelling and Marketing of Energy Drinks that has been in force for some time at the EU level, and aims to define clear guidelines for responsible marketing and the provision of additional consumer information within the framework of the labelling of energy drinks. In particular, this includes the provision that we not undertake any direct marketing communications, direct sales, or the distribution of free samples, for energy drinks in schools of any kind, childcare facilities or other comparable institutions involved with the supervision of these age groups. Furthermore, we do not advertise in any media for which people under the age of 14 make up more than 30% of the audience.

*Cf. EFSA Scientific Opinion on the safety of caffeine, EFSA Journal 2015; 13(5): 4102