28 BLACK scores again

Luxembourg/Neustadt, 20 January 2017. Readers of the German trade journal “fizzz” were called upon once again in 2016 to vote for the most popular and successful beverages in eating and drinking establishments. Now Germany's bartenders and restaurateurs have made their decision, and they have again voted 28 BLACK one of the top three beverages in the “Energy Drinks” category. The fact that 28 BLACK is one of the drink highlights and top sellers in bars, clubs, trendy hangouts and restaurants and that it offers the flavour sought by active people is also confirmed by yet another award, as “disco” magazine surveyed discos and clubs throughout Germany at the end of the year to identify the best-selling brands of 2016. The result: 28 BLACK was voted one of the top five beverages in the “Best Energy Drinks” category.
The 28 BLACK product range offers something to suit every taste, whether it be classic, fresh and fruity, sparklingly sour or non-caloric and sugar-free. All varieties do without taurine and preservatives, are suitable for a vegan lifestyle, and are both lactose-free and gluten-free. The newest member of the 28 BLACK family is 28 BLACK Pink Grapefruit Mint. The innovative combination of pink grapefruit and mint offers both a touch of bitterness and additional freshness, and it tastes great straight or mixed.